& Herzegovina
Flag law and construction sheet
and Hercegovina Country Flag & Coat of Arms
Blue: C:40 M:0 Y:0 K:0
Yellow: C:0 M:20 Y:100 K:0
on the construction sheet
- Flag
adopted: 4 February 1998
- Flag
adopted by: United Nations High Representative
- Flag
usage: Civil and state flag
- Image
accuracy: High
- Sources:
Official specification sheet
flag law adopted by the High Representative
on Wednesday 4 February 1998
text of the law is as follows:
- In
accordance with my authority under Annex 10 of the Peace
Agreement and Article XI of the Bonn Document, I do hereby
decide that the Law on the Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina
enters into force with an immediate effect on an interim
basis, until the Parliamentary Assembly adopts this law
in due form.
No. 01/98 [signature]
4 February 1998 High Representative
Sarajevo Carlos Westendorp
- Article
- This
Law regulates the shape and design of the flag of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, as well as its display at the level
of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Article
- The
flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina represents Bosnia and
Herzegovina and is displayed as the symbol of Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
- Article
- The
flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina is of a blue colour.
Right of centre there is a triangle of yellow colour.
Running parallel to the left side of this triangle
is a row of white five pointed stars in a line from
the top edge of the flag to the bottom edge. The
flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina is of a rectangular
shape. The relationship between the length and width
is 1:2.
- Article
- The
measurements and technical specifications regarding
the design, graphic presentation and dimensions of
the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Annex form
an integral part of this Law.
- Article
- 1.
The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be officially
displayed at the level of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina
in the following ways:
- i)
On all buildings of the Presidency of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, the Council of Ministers and
its three Ministries, the Parliamentary Assembly
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Constitutional
Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Standing
Committee of Military Matters, the Commission
of Human Rights, the Central Bank and the Permanent
Election Commission following its formation and
on any other building of the common institutions
or institution which is administered by or reporting
to common institutions.
- ii)
On all buildings of Embassies and Consulates
of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- iii)
On official occasions of the departure of the
members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
abroad and on their return from abroad.
- iv)
On official means of transport used by members
of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- v)
On all occasions of official international visits,
competitions and other gatherings (political,
scientific, cultural - artistic, sports and others)
at which Bosnia and Herzegovina is participating
or is represented.
- vi)
At the border crossings of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- 2.
In all cases referred to in the previous paragraph,
no other flag from Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be
displayed together with the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- 3.
Official display of the flag in the Entities and unofficial
use of the flag will be regulated by a separate law.
- Article
- Disrespect
for the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a punishable
offense. Necessary legislation shall be adopted by
the Entities within 2 months from the entry into force
of this Law.
- Article
- This
Law shall be published in the "Official Gazette of
Bosnia and Herzegovina" and in the official gazettes
of the Entities.
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